If you think d reason y you wake up today to see another day is bcos of d alarm placed behind you bed,well.... try placing d alarm near a dead body and let see if d body will wakw up.
In every situation,there is a reason to b THANKFUL.
Gra-titude is an act of expressing your GRATEFULNESS which becomes an ATTITUDE as time goes on.
If you are not GRATEFUL then you are a GREAT FOOL!
Giving thanks COSTS you nothing but it PAYS.
B thankful for life cos hope is onlt 4 d living.

By d way remember no mata how pathethic you think your conditions are,if d dead is given to b in your conditions just for a second guess wat?they will gladly jump at the offer!
Life is wat gives meaning to evrytin,without nothing makes sense and am happy you have it,how do i know?only d living can reas dis message just as you are reading it now.
Share with as many as you might just b encouraging somebody,you might just b averting a suicide.
it is well

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